Di Leone Group

Once again, Canada shows us its intentions and objectives regarding immigration, seeking strategies to grant permanent residence to those foreigners who are currently contributing to the country’s economy.

This April 12, 2021, Canada announced its new public policies oriented at supporting and helping the development of communities, through the granting of permanent residence to temporary workers with domain of the French language and workers graduated from any of the institutions. designated apprenticeships in Canada.

Next, we relate the number of maximum quotas per stream:

  • 20,000 applications for temporary health care workers
  • 30,000 applications for temporary workers in other selected essential occupations
  • 40,000 applications for international students who graduated from a Canadian institution

In addition to the granting of individual permanent residence, the family of the main applicant may also be eligible to be granted permanent residence, whether they are in or outside of Canada.

Applications received in accordance with these public policies are effective from May 6, 2021 through November 5, 2021.

Source: https://www.canada.ca

Don’t miss out on this great opportunity! Contact us and let us help you make your request successfully.