Di Leone Group

Student Visa

Characteristics and requirements:

  • Has a start and an end date, fixed duration
    • Clear and defined itinerary
  • The visa has a defined intention
    • Studying!
  • Demonstrate sufficient funds for travel and stay
    • Bank statements
    • Tax returns
    •  Investments
    • Credit cards
    • Any other evidence of financial solvency
  • Demonstrate sufficient ties to your country of origin (economic, family, work, personal projects, etc.)
    • Property and assets
    • Ongoing studies
    • Job stability
    • Economic stability
    • Personal and social commitments and projects
  • Be registered and accepted in an educational institution recognized by the Government of Canada
  • Pass the emigration medical exams


Visitor Visa Requirements and Process


  • Copy of your passport with at least 6 months validity
  • Copy of passport pages with stamps (current or expired passports – previous trips)
  • Digital photo (Front view, white background and neutral expression)
  • Letter of acceptance from the educational institution in Canada
  • Proof of financial funds to finance studies in Canada
    • Bank accounts, credit cards (preferably last 3 months)
    • Proof of work and/or studies, property titles, memberships and projects, and other ties, etc.


  • We make an estimate of costs and fees.
  • We sign a service contract.
  • Pay an initial deposit (minimum 50% down payment).
  • Client submits basic information and documents (fills out an internal form).
  • Enrollment in the educational institution is carried out.
  • We prepare the dossier, fill out all the forms, make and certify the necessary translations, add the documentation, and present your intentions and the required documentation.
  • The client pays the remaining balance according to the agreement.
  • We send the package to the government.
  • We follow up and wait for a result.
  • If the visa is approved you can travel to Canada.